Yesterday was a lot of fun as I did the radio interview. The program is called Renewal Radio and it airs daily for 15 minutes Monday-Friday. One guest is featured each week and Dr. Getz unfolds their story on the air through an interview and then he applies Biblical Principles to Live By through the story. That was my understanding. I really don’t know how it will come together because there will be a lot of work that doesn’t include me. Dr. Getz had contacted me through the website after reading the article in the Dallas Morning News. He asked for a summary of my story and some video clips of me sharing which I sent to him. After going over my information he decided to do a program on God’s Redemption in my life. We then set the interview for Wed. Feb. 1 @ 3. Luckily I was able to have someone cover the model for a couple of hours.
As I stated yesterday I had a rough morning and was feeling out of sorts but by the time I arrived at the studio I was feeling better. It is amazing how prayer and soaking in the presence of the Lord can help plus a quick stop at Starbucks always puts a smile on my face : )
Thank goodness for Iphones and the GPS/maps they have because that guided me to my destination. As I pulled into the office parking lot which is part of Chase Oaks church I looked up the hill at the actual church and remembered my very first speaking engagement for a Seed Sowers banquet back in March of 2010. The banquet was held in that building. Melanie had attended the banquet to support me (as always) and brought a flip camera and recorded that presentation which we uploaded onto Facebook the next day. That 15 minute video was the first time many of my facebook friends heard my story or what had happened, I was amazed at the outpouring of love and support from my childhood friends.
It was kind of hard for me but after a little thought I told Melanie to just post it : )) She texted me later that day because I was working and said “Susan, you’re not going to believe all the comments on the video” I was so very touched . Those were my thoughts as I stepped into the building and told the receptionist I was there to see Dr. Gene Getz.
Dr. Getz came to meet me and grabbed my hand warmly and showed me back to the radio studio. He was so very kind and told me he was amazed by my story. After settling in at the table with the mic and headphones Dr. Getz went to do a few things before we started and his producer came out to brief me on what would take place. Having never been on radio or in a radio station my only reference to pull from was Peri on Frasier. ( She was the producer of Frasier’s radio show ) David was the producer's name and he was so very nice too. He got me some water and I told him I was scared I was going to sound too Texan/Country but he said I would be fine and when I put on the headphones I would be able to hear myself. Taking a sip of water I relaxed a little and said a prayer for God to speak through me and for his message to shine.
Dr. Getz then returned and sat down and we began the interview. He knew my story well and had done his research so in a way he was telling my story and I was adding detail. I have never been in that position before where I heard my life through someone else’s voice. As he talked about the suicides( David, my dad’s best friend, and my grandfather ), the alcoholism of my mom and dad, mother’s death, Kathey’s death, my addiction, prison, then the death of Sammy’s friend Alex I was in tears and my heart was broken. It is hard to explain the impact it had on me. I was just so sad for the little wounded girl within me and what she went through, it was almost like it was someone else.
It is so hard to describe the emotions I was feeling. But then we talked about my salvation and accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior and I began to smile through those tears because of what I have overcome through my relationship with Jesus Christ. I survived because of HIM. We ended the interview with the end of my father’s life and that amazing moment on Oct. 9, 2010 when I led him to the Lord and he himself accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and then his death on Dec. 13, 2010.
Dr. Gene Getz and I after the interview. I also got an amazing Bible :)
Dr. Getz said I had such a tragic story and that he was amazed that I survived and was living in the freedom that Jesus provides. He said many would have laid it down or given up but I was now standing in victory. He then asked me if I ever thought about ending it all and I told him one time I came very close and I will share that moment because ironically enough I told this story to the students at Skyline the day before as well. I thought the program was over but when I finished sharing this part of my story Dr. Getz asked David if he got that (what I had just shared) on tape and he said yes. He said they would probably try and use it because it was so powerful. I will share it with you, I have shared it before but some of you may have not read it.
Let’s go back to April 24, 2001: I was all alone in a motel room off 635 and Ferguson, sitting on the edge of the bed. Crying with my head held between my hands contemplating what to do next. There were so many voices whispering in my ear telling me I was horrible, a murderer, a loser, and a failure. These criticizing voices were overwhelming and I thought it might be better for everyone if I was gone. I was just so scared and I missed Kathey so badly.
It had been a very long weekend and I was basically “on the run.” My kids were gone (thankfully CPS turned them over to my husband’s parents), my husband was locked up with no chance for bond, and I was too scared to call my Dad. I was all alone in a motel room not knowing what to do. It was the most desperate and alone I think I have ever felt in my life.
I had been calling in sick to work and I knew I had to do something because I couldn’t continue doing nothing. Finally I mustered up the courage and called the GISD benefits office. To this day I can’t remember who I talked to but she was an angel sent from God. Crying, I told her I was a teacher in the district, in a lot of trouble with the police , on drugs, and I didn’t know what to do (as I type this I am crying so hard because I can still feel the pain, desperation, and fear I felt at that time). She told me, in the kindest gentlest voice, to calm down because that is what she was there for. She suggested I check into Baylor Richardson Hospital to be assessed, reminding me that I had insurance that I should access. She told me things were going to get better and asked that I please not do anything drastic. I think she was crying too because she was so scared for me and what I might do. She then offered to call my principal and tell him what was happening. Relief flooded my body because she didn’t judge me, she didn’t think I was horrible, she just knew I was in trouble and needed help. I needed her and her reaction that day.
To be honest I don’t know what I would have done if she had been judgmental. I never thought I would consider suicide because I saw what my brother’s suicide did to my family but I was WITHOUT HOPE that day and I couldn’t see a way out. I didn’t want people to see the real me and what I had become. I was covered in shame and did not feel I could face anyone. But she looked past all that and treated me with love and respect. I have thought about her often and her impact on my life that day, it was huge.
I have always hoped to treat everyone I come into contact with the way she treated me, I fail sometimes but the memory of the despair I felt that morning is always close to my heart and when she treated me with love and acceptance it gave me hope. Isn’t it amazing how a little kindness and love changed a potentially tragic situation? It takes so little to be loving and kind. I took her advice and drove straight to Baylor Richardson.
I parked my Silver Toyota Camry and took a deep breath. My car was a mess because I had basically been on the run, going from motel to motel. I had not been back to my home since the drug bust so throughout the weekend I had to buy clothes, personal hygiene products, etc. I had to buy everything because I had walked out of that school on April 19thwith only my purse. So I sat in my car mustering up the courage to walk in to that hospital and say I was a drug addict, I had never admitted that before that day. As I looked through my car I picked up the plastic baggie that had the traces of Meth I had left and just stared at it.
Thoughts began to bombard my mind: “do the rest of the drugs”, “go ride around and finish what you have then come back” to “throw the drugs away and check into that hospital”. Again I took a deep breath and put the baggie into a paper sack I had from McDonalds and got out of my car. Slowly I walked to a trash can and looked at the bag one last time then shoved it into the trash, turning quickly I ran into the emergency room. Breaking down into tears I told the lady in the admissions that I was a drug addict and I needed help. I was admitted into the hospital and assessed. I was sent to the fourth floor which was for patients dealing with substance abuse issues as well as mental problems. I was so scared but I was also relieved, in a way I had finally surrendered.
I spent three days there. We participated in groups, attended AA meetings, and listened to speakers who came to share their stories, many of the patients on the floor had severe mental problems and for the first time in a long time I felt a little hope because my problems didn’t seem as severe as some of the people I met there.
I also shared this part of my story with the students at Skyline. As I walked the halls of the school there were many posters about Rachel's Challenge and I just believed this story of being kind and accepting would fit right in with Rachel's Challenge. I encouraged the students to treat everyone with kindness because you never know what someone else is going through. They may have smile on their face that is covering the pain in their heart or they may be acting out, but sometimes we just never know what is going on in someone's life and as I said "It takes so little to be loving and kind". It is an attitude that we can all choose to have and you never know when you may change a potentially tragic situation by saying a kind word.
I know, it happened to me.