My book
This past Sunday when I was leaving church a man and lady pulled up to where I was standing. The woman asked me if I was the one who shared the week before and I nodded yes. She told me my story was inspirational and she really wanted to read my book. ( At church on Mother's Day I shared about my mother starting a fire in our home when I was a senior and the devastating effects that had on me. Then shared about me trying to control others in my life and how that caused chaos and dysfunction. My feedback was very positive. The most common feedback I get is that I am genuine, transparent, and open:) She asked me if she could buy a copy then but I told her it wasn't published yet and that I was really working on that. Her words were very encouraging and the fact that she went out of her way to drive up and speak to me. Honestly I have so much going on right now with my new job I can't focus on the book but once I get settled , begin to experience financial freedom, and adjust to all my new blessings I will see about self publishing the book. God told me one day ( it seemed as if it was audible) that the dreams he placed in my heart ( book and speaking) whould happen in HIS timing. That I was to wait and not try to make it happen in my timing so I am trusting HIM. Looking to see what HE has planned BUT I love that there is interest in my story and a desire for my book. That makes me feel awesome !!