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What People are Saying

"Susan DeFace Washington is the real deal. She is one of the most powerful, heartwarming, spirit filled speakers we have been blessed to hear. Women of all ages were  blessed by her testimony and her message of hope, forgiveness and God's redeeming love for all people no matter the circumstances in your past or present situation.  We have had many speakers for our Women's Events at First Baptist Church Carrollton and  I can honestly say Susan ranks as one of the most outstanding speakers we have had." 

- Beverly Anderson, Women's Ministry Coorinator for First Baptist Church of Carrollton


"I have practiced criminal law for over twenty years, as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, and I have witnessed up-close the devastating consequences of drug addiction. Prison has a way of getting your attention, and yet, I have seen many disingenuous and counterfeit “jailhouse conversions” in desperate attempts to game the system and receive leniency. I can assure you, there is nothing fake or phony about Susan and her relationship with, and devotion to, Jesus Christ.   

Through faith and perseverance, she has found transforming freedom and undeniable peace and purpose. Susan is the real deal and she possesses a compelling life story and inspiring testimony of God’s unconditional love, saving grace and redemptive power."

- Joe Shearin, Criminal Defense Attorney


We recently had Susan DeFace Washington come and speak at our monthly ladies group at our church. After speaking with Susan to learn more about her story, I couldn’t wait to have her present to our ladies.

When the day finally came, Susan brought her support team, Power Point, and an infectious spirit. Susan was very open and willing to share her story. Her transparency gave us a glimpse into her world that began with pain, lies, and sadness but ends in the victory and joy that can only come from having a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Her story communicated so many things in such a short time. Her story communicates the power of hope, forgiveness, and how nothing we can do will separate us from the love of Jesus. 


"I have had the opportunity to hear Susan DeFace Washington speak on more than one occasion. After hearing her story, all I could think was that it was one of the most courageous testimonies I have ever heard. She is living proof of God’s power and grace."

- Randy Smith of First Baptist Church of Allen

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Riley's Birth :))

It was 4 years ago today that Alexis had Riley , it is a day I'll never forget . The night before Riley's birth Alexis had been hanging out with Rachel, I think there was a group of girls swimming. I just called to check on Alexis not really thinking anything because her due date wasn't until July 4 so this was a little early. As I spoke to Alexis I could hear the other girls giggling in the background and I smiled thankful Alexis could still experience that: summer nights with teenage friends sharing their hopes, dreams, and heartaches while being extremely silly in between. I remembered that all too well with girls I am still in relationship with today. Alexis said something that made me concerned so I told her I would come pick her up and just have her checked out at he hospital to be safe. When I went to Rachel's all the girls wanted to go, I can't remember who all was there but I remember Rachel, Haley, and a few more. They jumped in my car and we drove to Baylor Garland. The girls were having fun making each other laugh, being extremely silly and this continued into the hospital . I was enjoying them but the nurses were a little irritated. I mean Alexis was 16 and pregnant , I'm not sure what they were thinking but they checked Alexis and all was fine. On the way home the girls paid attention to the directions so when Alex did have Riley they could visit. Everyone was excited about Riley: her friends and their parents . I just loved how Alexis' pregnancy was accepted by all. I dropped all the girls off and Alexis and I went home and I went to sleep. Of course Alex didn't because she was a night owl as usual , but now a pregnant night owl:)) at about 3 in the morning she came and woke me up saying she thought she was in labor . She had been timing contractions and they were 7 minutes apart and at that moment she had a contraction and I knew it was time. We didn't wake Sammy or Warner but just left for Baylor Garland. The same nurses were on duty and believed this was the real deal , they even commented somewhat condescendingly that Alexis wasn't being so silly now. I patted Alexis' hand hoping she wouldn't go off on these nurses:))

Now it was time to wait for the labor to progress. the nurses asked about my labor experience and I told them it went very slow , I always needed pitocin . Hailey was 36 hours, Alexis was 19 hours , and Sammy was 8 . I did not have babies fast .

Alexis fared a little better and Riley was born about two in the afternoon.. What is amazing about this is I was in the room with Alexis and Hailey (Alexis' sister) had come in to say hi. At this time Hailey and Alexis didn't really get along and it was never planned for Hailey to be there but while she was in there things got hectic and all the sudden no one could leave. Riley was about to be born. I was up by Alexis' head encouraging her that she could go on . . Hailey was down by the doctor, moments later Riley emerged from the birth canal. There was a look of wonder on Hailey's face and she began to sob saying this was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. A special bond was formed between Hailey and Riley that day, a bond God knew would be needed for this time. Hailey has always loved Riley like she was her own. It always touched my heart how Hailey felt because she and Alexus would struggle as many sisters so close in age do but now I know why God planted a mother's love in Hailey's heart for Riley , it was a seed that has continued to grow . God knew Alexis would die and he prepared Hailey's and Riley's heart so the ache of losing Alexis could be bearable.

All of Alexis' friends were in the waiting room . It was actually full of teenage girls who cheered when we announced Riley's arrival. It was a beautiful day .

I spent the night with Alexis in the hospital and the nurses taught her to nurse Riley. Their attitude towards Alexis changed as they observed her. It was obvious how much she loved Her baby and how she wanted to provide the best for Riley, she listened intently as they explained everything from nursing, swaddling, how to lay the baby, etc. I could tell they were impressed with her attentiveness and their judgement about her age and immaturity softened.

One of my favorite memories of that summer was each Monday a group of Alexis' friends would come over and watch "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" Alexis would be on her bed cuddling Riley with her teenage friends sitting where ever they could in Alexis' room. There was so much laughter and love, I would just smile in my room so thankful she had such great friends:))

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Reader Comments (2)

There is no intellectualizing to do in response to the joy and innocence, the kismet and beauty of Motherhood {Alexis' and your's, Susan}, the fabulous~ness and coolness of tru~blu BFFs, the weirdness and Wow! of Sisters so Close and of the Magical Gift and Delight of our Offspring!

God's Hand in Every~thing....and of your Magical Ability and Wonder in sharing this dynamic and very, very Real story ~ aLive and, in Person, in this Vital and on~Going, tangental Way in which you so Lovingly and Amazingly do.

This absolutely tragic section ~ unexpectedly Dedicated to your beauty~ful Rosebud, your daughter, Alexis, with much love and as such as a Gift; a tithe and Memorial, as we take this particular path, an unforged Mystical tour de force.

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPatti Wynne

Another wonderful post Susan! Thanks so much!

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSheryl Newman Wilson

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