Lessons from my Father
Me and Daddy about a month before he died
Daddy in the Navy
Today marks two years since my Daddy died . I know he is safe in the arms of our Lord and Savior and for that I am eternally grateful. As I was reflecting on his life and death this morning I thought of the lessons I have learned from him. It is much easier to learn from someone else’s mistakes than from your own. Here is what I have learned.
- You can’t stop life after something painful happens and you can’t pretend it didn’t happen.
- Building up walls to protect you from the pain of life keeps out the joy as well.
- Our words can build up or tear down.
- Be careful with sarcastic humor because at times it can cut like a knife whether you intend it to or not
- Money and material things will not make you happy, it may make things easier but it will not make you happy.
- A functional alcoholic is still an alcoholic. This is a progressive disease and progresses at different rates for different people.
- God can restore any relationship.
- With the power of God you can forgive anyone for anything.
- People who appear strong and larger than life may be putting on a show to hide their weakness. In my experience that has been the case many times.
- Hug your kids and tell them you love them and are proud of them often. And mean it!! Focus on the positive things they do not the negative.
Daddy on the left : We are on vacation in Red River
Daddy when he was a little older on vacation somewhere
I thank God for my daddy and I loved him with all my heart . I am so thankful for the restoration God brought to our relationship. Although there had been so much pain and dysfunction his amazing intelligence and wit never escaped me. At his funeral numerous people told me he was the smartest and funniest man they had ever met. I will never forget going to the funeral home to pick up my father’s ashes and driving to Grove Hill to have his funeral.
It was surreal driving with the now familiar blue box crematories store ashes in. I had his service at my mother and brother’s burial sites. It was a beautiful crisp day in December, December 18th to be exact , a day before my 50th birthday. God blessed me that day and I have included the video of me speaking at his service. As I describe leading him to the Lord and that he is now reunited with my mother, sister, and brother a gentle breeze began to blow and you can hear the sound of beautiful chimes coming straight from heaven I’m sure. : ))
Below is the video if you don't want to watch the whole thing go to approximately 3:30 and that is when I begin to share about leading him to the Lord and the angels sing, well not sing but play their chimes :))
Daddy's Service 2 from Susan DeFace Washington on Vimeo.
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