An Invitation to speak at Career Day :)
Something really cool just happened. My friend Tammy suggested that I be a guest speaker for a Career Day at an elementary school in Irving . Today I received an email from Yvette, the counselor at this school and Skyline 79 Alumni, with a form to fill out asking me to share in the classroom. I was super excited about this and wondered what career I would share about : the one as an educator, a felon, cashier, or new home sales assistant : ))) But down deep I really wondered if she knew my story and if she would still want me if she did. I don’t really remember Yvette and we aren’t face book friends.
Somewhat excitedly and with a little reservation I filled out the form agreeing to share from 8:15 – 8:55 and faxed it to her. After that I called Yvette because I knew I had to let her know my history. I also messaged Tammy and she told me she didn’t tell her my story but she had sent her my website, so that gave me a little peace.
Finally I reached Yvette and asked her if she knew about my life and she said “No I haven’t heard anything “. My heart sunk a little but I knew I had to tell her the truth even if it resulted in her rescinding my invitation to speak. I started out just letting her know I had been to prison. She was kind of speechless and I was sure she was about to say she didn’t need me but instead she asked what had happened. Telling her the Reader’s Digest Version of my life I ended my story and just waited. She then spoke with excitement and asked me if I could speak later in the day so I could speak to the whole 5th grade and maybe the 4th too. She thought her students could benefit greatly from my story , that many could relate to the pain I had as a child and hopefully not make the same mistakes I did later, but in the end know there is always hope and to never give up.
I was floored because I was just so ready to be rejected but she accepted me and still wants me to be a part of this. I was so touched at how excited she was. I know God will give me the words and the message to say that will reach these young hearts and minds. Again I am blown away by HIS grace. It was the first time in a very long time that I felt a twinge of embarrassment about the things I have done but I knew I could not shrink back because of fear; I had to step out in boldness and tell the truth regardless of the consequences. And I did that: )) fully prepared for whatever might happen good or bad. Because of HIS amazing GRACE there was no rejection. It was good for me to have to do this. Feeling pretty awesome right now, smiling from ear to ear, and knowing HIS light is shining from within me, my blonde hair is a little brighter right now : )))
Reader Comments (1)
Are you going to tell us the story behind using:
Pom~Pons in lieu of Pom~Poms?
(The latter got the Spell Check underline :D)
Thank you,