Jeremiah 6:16 Yet the Lord pleads with you still: Ask where the good road is, the godly paths you used to walk in, in the days of long ago. Travel there, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, “No, that is not the road we want!”
When I think back to those moments of life altering decisions I wish there had been a sign this clear but honestly I don't know if I would have seen it because I was so full of justification and rationalization I was just digging my own grave. I'll never forget the moment. It was May 2002 and I had about 13 months clean . I DECIDED to go visit my old "friends" they were my old drug dealers. I rationalized this horrible decision saying I just want to see how they were doing, shooting down each red flag as soon as they popped up . I'll never forget sitting in the living room ( I remember what I was wearing) and them offering me drugs. I paused for just a moment before I used but the voice of the enemy was louder than the voice of truth because I had already believed the lie and went there in the first place. I DECIDED to use and the rest is history. Within three weeks I was using worse than before and had a new drug charge. Within two months I was locked up with my probation revoked on my way to prison. That decision started a destructive domino effect .
Jeremiah 6:16 is powerful . So before you make a decision that could alter your life and the lives of others pray and seek God. One sign that always stops me in my tracks is when I begin to rationalize and justify , I then know I am most likely going the wrong direction!!!